Pre-Diploma in Plant Science

This curriculum is based on the job required to be performed by agriculture sector in Nepal. It intends to provide knowledge required for basic level Junior Technical Assistant. It especially provides the knowledge and skills focussing on agriculture and farm management. The curriculum reflects the need of present agriculture services, the professionalism in agriculture sectors, so that the graduates of this program will be readily acceptable by the farmers at community level.

This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs./week X 39 week a year = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 month (40 hrs./week X 24 week = 960 hrs.) on the job training (OJT).

Entry Eligibility: Individuals with following criteria will be eligible for this program:

  • SLC/SEE with any grade and any GPA (Since 2072 SEE).
  • SLC appeared (Before 2072 SLC)
  • Pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT

Admission Criteria: On the basis of merit list in the entrance examination administered by CTEVT (allotment of quotas will be as per the CTEVT rule)

सहुलियत शुल्कमा रु.९३५०।००

पुर्ण शुल्कमा रु.१२३५०।००

NGO शुल्कमा रु.१७३५०।००

INGO शुल्कमा रु.२५३५०।००

The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.

  1. Agriculture Extension and Community Development T+ P
  2. Entrepreneurship Development T+ P
  3. Crop and crop seed Production T+P
  4. Plant propagation and Ornamental Horticulture T+P
  5. Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production T+P
  6. Fruit Cultivation, Post-Harvest Horticulture and Plantation Crop T+P
  7. Agriculture Ecology and Sustainable Soil Management T+ P
  8. Plant Protection and IPM FFS T+ P
  9. Apiculture, Sericulture, Mushroom and Lac culture T+P
  10. Farm Machinery, Structure and Irrigation T+P
  11. Aquaculture T+ P
  12. On the Job training (OJT) P